New Adventures

Welcome to Artemis Agile Consulting!

I’ve been an agile practitioner, trainer, and coach for over 15 years now. I’ve been a developer, a ScrumMaster, and a program manager overseeing large agile and Scrum development efforts. I’ve done this at small companies and Fortune 10 companies. I’ve worked with executive management teams and small development teams to understand the benefits of agile. I had never, though, considered taking my experience, my energy, and my drive “on the road”, so to speak. But here we are.

I founded Artemis with the hope that I’ll be able to help others achieve some of the benefits that I’ve seen come from adopting agile methodologies. There are great things that you and your teams can achieve just by changing the way you approach your processes. I firmly believe that the agile framework offers the best opportunity for companies to succeed, and succeed big.

Agile, in some way, shape, or form, has been around for decades. Artemis is just getting started. It’s a big adventure and I hope you’re ready to join me. Let’s see what’s out there. Allons-y!

– Bill DeVoe

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