Management 3.0 Facilitation
Our Chief Kitten Herder, Bill DeVoe, has just been approved as a Management 3.0 Facilitator! Management 3.0 is a ground-breaking framework of tools and concepts for managers that are working in agile environments and managers of creative/knowledge workers who just want to help their teams be more successful. By adding M3.0 facilitation to our services, Artemis can effectively coach at all levels of the organization – from the team in the trenches to the executives trying to understand what this new “agile” thing means and how it will impact them, their organization, and the company.
From the M3.0 website:
Management 3.0 is a movement of innovation, leadership and management. Management 3.0 is redefining the definition of leadership with management as a group responsibility. It’s about working together to find the most efficient way for a business to achieve its goals while maintaining the happiness of workers as a priority.
As a Management 3.0 Facilitator, Bill will be exploring offering both public classes and on-site workshops for companies interested in benefiting from this new movement. The power of the M3.0 course structure is that we can provide very focused half-day workshops all the way through the full two-day courseware. If you’d like to discuss an on-site short course or even a full workshop, please contact us and we’ll get back with you as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be posting our public course schedule here on our website, so check back for those offerings.
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